ADF Conference Schedule

Guest Lecture

Guest Lecture J. Lees (r.): "How and why does Uveal Melanoma differ from Cutaneous Melanoma?", left: E. Gaffal (ADF-Board Member)

Günter-Goerz-Memorial Lecture

N. Romani (l.) "Langerhans cells –still alive and kickin’ after 150 years"

Quo vadis Lectures

C. Ellebrecht (l.) "Go CAART -Immunotherapy for non-cancer applications", right: R. Eming (ADF-Board Member)

A. Roesch (r.) "Overcoming hierarchies: From cancer stem cellsto tumor plasticity", left: Christoffer Gebhardt (ADF-Board Member)

G. Stary (r.) "Tissue-resident T cells -Built to last", left: Karin Loser (ADF-Board Member)

Workshop: Extending the borders of immunity

V. Ntziachristos "RSOM –a new world for non-invasive observation of skin pathophysiology"

J. Ruland "Immune sensing -checkpoint of immune metabolism"

M. Heikenwälder "Chronic inflammation, tissue damage, and tumorigenesis"

S. Herzig "Beyond immunity: Tumor-host interactions and systemicenergy homeostasis"

Award Ceremonies

Paul-Langerhans Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Stefanie Eyerich (2nd from the left) and Michael Hölzel (middle)
left: M. Hertl (trustees chairman), 2nd from the right : J. Römmler-Zehrer (Celgene GmbH), right: R. Eming (ADF-board member)

ADF-Egon Macher Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Elsa Neubert (2nd ftr), R. Eming (l) (ADF-board member), (2nd ftl) Representative of AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG), (r) S. Goerdt (Trustees chairman)

Dermato-Oncology Price Award Ceremony. The price goes to Corinna Kosnopfel (2nd ftl) und Alexander Thiem (2nd ftr), left: R. Eming (ADF-board member), right: Manfred Kunz (DOP-trustees chairman)

ADF-ECARF Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Denise Rauer (2nd ftr) and Leonhard von Meyenn (2nd ftl), left: R. Eming (ADF-board member), right: T. Zuberbier (ECARF-trustees chairman)

Translational Research Price Award Ceremony. The Prices went to (2nd ftl) Anja Saalbach, N. Zimmermann, F. Meraz-Torres, Sabrina Tofern, Magda Babina and Luisa Senra or representatives, left: E. Schmidt (trustees chairman), m: G. Kressel (Novartis Pharma GmbH), 2nd from the right: R. Eming (ADF-board member), r.: W. Pfützner (award curatorium)

Atopic Dermatitis Price Award Ceremony. The Price goes to Elke Rodríguez (or representative, right), l.: R. Eming (ADF-board member), 2nd ftl: S. Zaun (Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland GmbH)

ADF-Poster Price Award Ceremony. The Prices went to Kondaiah Moganti, Andreas Recke, Tanya Sezin, Dora Stoelzl, Christoph Hudemann, Rosi Wang, Nikolaus Wagner, Janina Trothe, Patricia Rostan, Naveen Shridhar, Nicole Glodde (or representative), 2nd ftr: C. Gebhardt (ADF-board member), r.: Wolfgang Pfützner (award curatorium), middle, back row: E. Schmidt (award curatorium)

Poster exhibition & further impressions